Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XXI: Three Piles for Trilety



We made it through the Halloween season! So much went on the past few weeks. Massive balloon handling, returning to the scene of many past debaucheries, a trip to visit Isaac, and taking out the damn dock. Plenty of fall nonsense. Contents: - Someone loves 311 and penis. I suspect most of their fans are like this. - This is a new segment for Simon, a naughty plastic doll who lives at the bakery and whose videos you can watch on their Instagram page - - Doug and the Thomases got to help test a new Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade balloon! As far as they could tell, it worked. - Travis knows some hip hop. - Three Piles for Trilety (She likes piles.) - I'm working on a great thing with a waterfall in my living room. Pictures forthcoming... - Doug and Megan venture into The Drinkery, formerly Doug's old karaoke hangout. He tells her stories of his glory days. Like the Boss song. - 'The Tin Man' by Neva Dinova - Doug and Megan take a day trip to Whiting, IA where the origina