Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XI: Good Pile



May is the month of many fun things, I guess. Enjoy this good pile of stuff! Contents: - Cinder is the phone killer. - The 'Flattering Tongue' thing is from a sign by Doug's work where he reads very useful tips (from he thinks a very religious company). - Ocean Black rocking Queen quite seriously. This was only at Slowdown Jr. too! - Showing Trilety a big pile of coal near lake Manawa - Eating Escargo for the first time (with sangria) - This is the sound of Maifest. (minus 'beer poking') - The Faerie Tones playing outdoors at Karen's house on her birthday  - Doug and Megan made May Baskets and delivered them to friends! - 'Downside Up' by Peter Gabriel. His wonderful album 'So' came out 30 years ago. - A couple of choice bits by Susan Chang aka Sarah X. (We used to IM a lot back in the day and call each other homo.) - Doug had THE WORST show in years on Friday the 13th. - The Painfully Cheesy Love Song of the Week: 'Take It Slow' by Bobby Brown. Oh yeah, swallow that. Don't turn it off before you get to the s