Insights With Trent Munday

Beware The Hidden Lies Of The Mighty Few #1400



I'll be there in just a FEW minutes. I should be able to complete this project in a FEW days. Or, my personal favourite... Honey, I'm just going out for a FEW beers with the lads! People use words like FEW or some or ABOUT because they are imprecise. They are open to interpretation. That gives them some leeway and flexibility. If you're dealing with someone who uses words like this a lot, it may actually tell you a bit about what sort of person they are. Maybe, like the Project Manager, they don't have great attention to detail. They fail to account for all factors. Or perhaps, they're not great at time management and so are always late for meetings. Or maybe, they're just a little too comfortable telling little they're only going to have a FEW beers. The language we use can sometimes expose our hidden lies...and truths. #language #behaviours #untoldstories