Life Over Pain

Life Over Pain - Megan Heiser - Creating A Deeper Connection With Her Life



Megan Heiser grew up on a farm, traveled the world, had a career, got married, had a baby. She was a perfectionist. Then things changed, dramatically.  An auto-immune disease caught hold of her and has made her take a completely different approach to life.  Each of us wake up to a new day with some uncertainty, but we generally have a strong sense of what our day will be like.  Unfortunately, that's not true for Megan.  Her disease throws her a curve ball every day. She may wake up with pain, fatigue or a whole host of other bodily errors she'll have to deal with that day.  To cope, she's had to let go of trying to be perfect - easier said than done.  So she tries to look at what is real and what is not real.  Is there something that doesn't hurt today?  Can she use that piece to help her accomplish what she wants to do that day?  Or, does she have to realign her goals for the day to accommodate what she realistically can do.  It's a daily balancing act.How does she stay sane?  She ha