For Your Success With Katie Hornor

FYS 114: Phil & Mary Mason - It's Business & Ministry



Phil & Mary Mason recount God's goodness in bringing them to himself, and giving them a ministry that burnt them out - giving way to a new ministry (& Business) that has delivered transformative Biblical counseling to ministry couples for nearly 20 years. Their insights into charging for your work are so inspiring to anyone struggling with not giving it all away in the name of ministry.Mentioned in today's show: Phil & Mary's website - SafePlaceMinistries.orgVisit our podcast page: leave us a voice message To search the show with our new feature!To download the MP3 audio fileThank you for being a part of this community. Every review helps others find and benefit from this encouragement too. Please share it with a friend, or Here are easy instructions for leaving a review. Your ratings and reviews help so much and I personally read EVERY single one, and regularly give shout outs on the show too. Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher to get automatic u