For Your Success With Katie Hornor

FYS 097: Where Do You Get Your Confidence?



FYS 097: I wasn't  prepared for the question, but the answer I found gave me great clarity and I believe you too can have great confidence in your purpose and unique work when your confidence comes from these two things... For more info: SPARK Christian Podcast ConferenceThe Blog Connection - Faith Like Flamingos! Get your copy here. - includes free audio bookCommunity highlight: Wendy Gunn - YourHomeforGod.comThank you for tuning in! Please subscribe and leave us a review!Visit our podcast page: search the show with our new feature!To read the transcriptTo download the MP3 audio file Thank you for being a part of this community. Every review helps others find and benefit from this encouragement too. Please share it with a friend, or Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews help so much and I personally read EVERY single one.Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher to get automatic updates every time we release a new episode.To spon