Dr. Tommy Show

Court of Mob Rule, Group Visits for ED, Should We Pay College Athletes - Dr. Tommy Show



Special guest Dr. David Buethe joins the show again to discuss the politics of due process and how it relates to the Supreme Court. How your personal beliefs may convict you in the Court of Mob Rule. We also cover group visits in medicine. Coming to a country near you? And how well does it work for sensitive subjects like erection dysfunction. We also cover the conundrum of paying college athletes. Should they be paid their market value or made to work for less. Is it ethical to make money off someone else's labor in college athletics? Song of the Week - Fade to Black - Metallica Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy. Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida. Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy Echelon-Health