Dr. Tommy Show

Frank Vincent, Sopranos, Single Payer, Oven Fried Chicken - Dr. Tommy Show



Remembering a great mobster, wondering whether the government knows what they are doing with your health, and discussing a delicious alternative way to cook chicken. Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy. Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida. Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy Echelon-Health YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Echelonhealth Echelon-Health Concierge Medicine: http://echelon-health.com Dr. Tommy Online: http://askdrtommy.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/tampadirectcare Echelon-Health Facebook: https://facebook.com/tampadirectcare Dr. Tommy Facebook: https://facebook.com/askdrtommy