The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Can the federal government police the BLM protests?



In today's episode, Attorney Rosensweig is discussing the Portland protests and whether or not the US government had the right to enter the city based upon an executive order that Donald Trump signed in late June.  The executive order stated that the US government had the right to protect the federal courthouse in Portland and, just days later, various federal agencies entered Portland and started using pepper spray, batons and other non-lethal forms of ammunition to "quell" the protests.  Just last week, a group of women (aka the Wall of Moms) filed a lawsuit, asking the court to declare that the US government was acting unlawfully and days later, the US government packed up and left the area.  Does that executive order give the US government the right to enter cities and use force against people protesting?  Attorney Rosensweig explores the law as it relates to whether the federal government has the authority to police the protests and the viability of this court case.