Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

From Engineer to Buy-and-Hold Real Estate Investor with 150 Properties



My guest today is Rahul Visal from National RE Invest, and the topic is transitioning from engineer to buy-and-hold real estate investor.  Rahul was born and raised in India and is an engineer by trade.  Before becoming a full-time real estate investor, he had a successful career at companies like Boeing and Caterpillar.  Rahul has 3 US patents for his innovative and creative designs, however, he knew that even that didn’t guarantee him job security. At the age of 40, Rahul walked away from his corporate job when his rental portfolio reached 15 single-family houses. Today, he has over 150 single-family homes. Show Notes: Here is some of what we talked about: How Rahul transitioned from engineer to buy-and-hold investor and build a large portfolio of rental properties (150+) His original plan: buy two properties, hold them long term, then sell them to pay for college for his two sons down the road Getting started: his first deal Why having the right mentor changed everything for Rahul The reason knowing your