Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Overcoming Procrastination - The Silent Killer of Your Business



Overcoming procrastination is vital to the success of your business. So much so that when procrastination becomes habitual, it often becomes the silent killer of your business. You’re not even aware of the extent of the damage it’s doing. Let’s face it, we've all been guilty of procrastination at one time or another. However, when it becomes a chronic problem that's when the real damage occurs. Show Notes Procrastination: why do we do it when it only makes us feel bad? Why procrastination can cause your business to fail Procrastination and your bottom line How “Woulda, shoulda, and could a” will steal your peace of mind Taking small steps to stop procrastination Learning to “eat that frog” the first thing in the morning Why taking concrete action steps and setting a date will change everything Getting specific about what you need to do (and putting it on a calendar) Resources Mentioned in this Show Eat this Frog by Brian Tracy The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Seth’s Godin’s Blog Upwork for outsourcing   B