Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Retire Early Through Real Estate Investing with Chris Miles



My guest is the Anti-Financial Advisor, Chris Miles of Money Ripples, and we are going to talk about how to retire early through real estate investing.  Chris teaches entrepreneurs and professionals on how to get their money working for them today.  He’s an author, the host of podcast, “The Chris Miles Money Show”, he has been featured in US News, CNN Money, EOFire and he has a proven reputation with his company Money Ripples getting his clients' fast financial results.  Show Notes This previous financial advisor will show his reasoning for putting your money in real estate rather than Wall Street. Listen in and hear Chris tell you his story including all the mistakes he has made along the way.  The reason this former financial advisor ended up leaving that field to invest in real estate Why he calls himself the “the anti-financial advisor” How to retire early through real estate like Chris did at 28 (the first time) What happened that caused him to come out of his first retirement Why buying property for ap