Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Marketing to Absentee Owners after Covid-19



I am asked this question a lot.  Is marketing to absentee owners after Covid-19 still a good marketing strategy?  I have to say that I think it is and here’s why.  You’ve probably heard me say this before that “time and circumstances change all things”.  And as we all know, Covid-19 has changed a lot of things.  Owners that previously weren’t motivated sellers, may be very motivated to sell now. However, there are some things to consider especially when buying tenant occupied properties.    It’s Always About Motivation Think about a typical absentee owner before the pandemic. What was their level of motivation?  Not at all motivated Thinking about selling but not doing anything about it Getting really fed up with being a long-distance landlord but still not taking any steps Planning to sell in the next few years when…. (You fill in the blanks.)  Up until Covid-19 interrupted our world things were pretty good for out of state absentee owners.  Home prices were great.  The inventory in most places was low so