Take Back The Day




Yo yo yo. It's another episode of Sam and Simon Speak on the Internet™, bitches! In this episode they touch on: The stupid US elections. Simon's stupid book (https://www.amazon.com/Math-We-Trust-Bitcoin-Cryptocurrency-ebook/dp/B07C7TPXMD). Sam's amazing book (https://www.likeafuckinggrownup.com/books/). M O N E Y . Behavioural.... economics (https://xkcd.com/1894/)? Vanguard (https://investor.vanguard.com/corporate-portal/). Sam's newsletter (https://www.likeafuckinggrownup.com/) (sign up!). Satrix MSCI World ETF (https://satrix.co.za/products/product-details?id=33) (it's a thing you can invest in). Sam's thing she loves: Geocaching (https://www.geocaching.com/play). Simon's thing he thinks is pretty cool: Wave Accounting (https://www.waveapps.com/).