Crusade, Book 4 Of The Turner Chronicles

Crusade - 18



Lioth watches from a distance while Prophet preaches. Armand and Faith are hard pressed not to become true believers due to Prophet's Talent. After, in private, Prophet questions his most fervent followers, some of whom had once been main conspiritors, most of which group is now dead, maimed (Leo Khante), or fled. He expounds on his plans to soon rule several kingdoms. Meanwhile, out with the milling crowd of crusaders, Brenda Montpass encounters Armand and Faith in a compromising position, him tying her to a tree, a gag in her mouth. Amused, Brenda passes on two small steel balls to help them fight Prophet's influence. Faith's gag is removed, needed only to keep her from confessing she and Armand are spies. As said before, Brenda is also spying, but for who and why we do not know.