Cliffs Notes

018 - Helping Clients Get To The Root Cause of Their Issue



In this episode, I share a coaching conversation that I recently had with Abd Aref via the Free The Dream Clubhouse Community. Here is the question that was posed… Whenever I make a decision, I'd always set out the pros and cons. And then I would predict the outcome. I will also communicate to seek some advice from people who have already made decisions similar to mine. But the thing is that I ALWAYS GET STUCK in this stage where I always think about WHAT IF… , WHAT IF… , WHAT IF… , WHAT IF… It leaves me emotionally drawn. I cannot sleep. I cannot do ANYTHING! I would always just have these… (thoughts?)... It could be negative, it could be positive…. But it makes me take long periods to make a decision. And I end up not making the right decision. So what's your take on that? In the past, I may have focused the majority of our conversation on tips, tools and techniques on how to make quick decisions that will get you further, faster.  However, as a coach, I like to get to the root of the issue when