Drive With Dave

09 Tim Roberts - Drive With Dave Podcast



Shortcuts in business and car collecting... From selling American iron, to collecting European sports cars, Tim Roberts shares his journey, and the ups and downs of his dual passions for fast cars and for constantly improving his business. Tim is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Catalyst Exhibits (  With offices in London, Chicago, San Francisco and Munich, Tim hopscotches the world balancing his far-flung empire and his love of sports cars and motor racing. How does a very successful guy challenge himself daily?  I ask him if there is one “best” car, about his car collection, and how the future of the automobile will effect us all. Enjoy the Show! Want more? Sign up for the bi-monthly Drive With Dave Newsletter at Is there someone you want to hear on the show? To find out more about the Drive With Dave Podcast or go Have you seen our videos? Check out the Drive With Dave YouTube Channel (