Drive With Dave

06 Mark Basso - Drive With Dave Podcast



Those that really love sports car racing regularly take their cars to the track. Instead, my guest today took his passion for racing and built his own damn track. Now not only one of the premier private race tracks in the US, but an extremely successful business as well, how does one get all that off the ground? My guest today is Mark Basso, Pres/CEO of the Autobahn (, an auto racing themed country club located in Joliet, Illinois, southwest of Chicago. Listen to get the behind the scenes story of how The Autobahn Country Club came about, Garage Mahals, and more importantly, where it's going. Enjoy the Show! Want more? Sign up for the bi-monthly Drive With Dave Newsletter at Is there someone you want to hear on the show? To find out more about the Drive With Dave Podcast or go Have you seen our videos? Check out the Drive With Dave YouTube Channel (