Drive With Dave

05 David Alexander - Drive With Dave Podcast



Wondering what Ferrari to buy? Contemporary or vintage, you will want to listen in to my guest, David Alexander. David is the guy everyone wants to talk to because of his vast knowledge of European sports cars. He has been in the exotic car business for 17 years and has guided numerous clients in starting and building their car collections. Today we discover how David switched careers to follow his car passion, as well as his insights into buying and collecting sports cars. Dave talks about the state of the sports car market, why the run-up in prices have occurred, and dusted off his crystal ball to tell us what to expect in the world of vintage European machines. You can find David at Continental AutoSports ( in Hinsdale, Illinois. Enjoy the Show! Want more? Sign up for the bi-monthly Drive With Dave Newsletter at Is there someone you want to hear on the show? To find out more about the Drive With Dave Podcast or go to...www.DriveWithDaveP