Drive With Dave

03 Daryl Adams - Drive With Dave Podcast



If you are interested in collecting cars, or just want to buying your 1st exotic, you are going to enjoy this podcast as Daryl Adams and I discuss how he did just that. A career in architecture gives Daryl a unique perspective in car design, and he discusses his collection and why he chose the cars in his garage. From his early days of attending a concours in Paris, Daryl outlines his path of amateur road racing, his 1st Ferrari and the importance of doing your homework before you invest in your dream car. To see the video of Daryl's Ferrari Dino 246 GTS go to... Enjoy the Show! Want more? Sign up for the bi-monthly Drive With Dave Newsletter at Is there someone you want to hear on the show? To find out more about the Drive With Dave Podcast or go Have you seen our videos? Check out the Drive With Dave YouTube Channel (