Nz Vegan Podcast

NZVP Ep. 140 - Yes, I do want to discourage you from single issue activism and welfarist activism



Listen HEREHere is the podcast with Wayne Hsiung, Gary Francione and Bob Linden - the discussion occurs starting at about 36 minutes into the show.Here is the ever important, historical, monumental must listen debate between Erik Marcus and Gary Francione (if calling it a 'conversation' will make you listen to it, then call it a conversation) it's a MUST LISTEN: is a link to Gary Francione's BOOKS.  READ THEM! is Rain Without Thunder, published in 1996: know the world isn't going to go vegan overnight okay???? is that blog post I talked about about the coalition needed for these single issue campaigns (also discussed in the podcast with Bob Linden and Wayne Hsiung). It's called" Why Welfare Reform Campai