
Not Titled As Beej Would Desire



Good lord, what a horrible experiment. I mean, WONDERFUL! What a wonderful time had by all. And who all do you think we refer to? Why none other than James Oikawa, Eryn Dearden, Chris Fisher, Dan Ross, Ian Horner, and Brendan Dery as Beej. And what did we all talk about? Well, let's break it down: Japan wanted to leave Canada out of the ACTA treaty… Doctor Who's Brigadier passes away… Alan Davies says something stupid, and now Stephen Fry can't go to Japan… Saturday morning Breakfast Cereal is our new Webcomic of the Week… Women want to show certain Anime to their children… So do men… People still pirate anime, but not us… …and the new Bullet Train looks like a dolphin penis. All this, and probably some more, on this week's Dai-Cast. Dai-Cast_02-26-2011.mp3 Listen on Posterous Permalink | Leave a comment  »