Ultrasound Podcast

Why We Shouldn’t Call Our Ultrasound “Informal”



What we do matters.  Our bedside ultrasound often changes management and saves lives. So why are we calling our scans “informal”? We might not always say that outright, but I frequently hear our residents and staff call a radiology or cardiology performed ultrasound a “formal” scan, implying that what we do is informal.  I have nothing but respect for the vast knowledge and experience that our consultant colleagues bring to the table, but what we do is also “formal”, albeit its usually a limited exam compared to the comprehensive scans they do. While pondering on this, I decided that I might be able to convince people that what I do at the bedside is formal….by performing ultrasounds whilst wearing the most formal attire I could buy off of Amazon.  I was fortunate enough to be joined by Nik Theyyunni, Rob Huang and Creagh Boulger at GLUC (Great Lakes Ultrasound Consortium) a few months ago in Cincinnati, and they were nice enough to sit down with me and record our tho