Ultrasound Podcast

Lateral Water bath technique for evaluation of hand infections with Jenn Cotton!



We love talking about super advanced ultrasound applications, but its important to make sure we understand the basics.  Soft tissue ultrasound probably has a greater effect on patient dispositions and treatment than most of our other ultrasound applications due to the sheer volume of soft tissue infections we see.  I recently (virtually) sat down with Jenn Cotton and discussed a technique she developed with Mike Prats for evaluating hand infections.  If you need a review on how to evaluate soft tissue infections on ultrasound, check out the 5 Minute Sono abscess vs cellulitis 2019 update video and the 5 Minute Sono necrotizing soft tissue infection 2019 update and if you want to see a video on how to perform the technique we discuss with Jenn, check out our youtube page Interested in an online ultrasound fellowship?  Check out the Ultrasound Leadership Academy