Nerdgasm Noire Network

NerdgasmNoire 2: You Chose This (ft Kahlief Adams from Spawn On Me)



Sorry the episode is late everyone, but in the spirit of Labor Day weekend, we decided to spend time with family and friends. Don't worry though, we still got that good good content for you. Last Thursday De got the chance to have a chat with Kahlief Jenkins from Spawn on Me about the gaming culture and the Jacksonville Mass Shooting (trigger warning: we will be talking about gun violence in this episode). They also talked about other gaming and nerd culture issues and what it would be like going to a con like PAX. Make sure you catch the Spawn on Me podcast on Twitch every Thursday at 7:00PM PST. [Twitch|Twitter] Also make sure you join our new discord channel and hang out with the community! ENJOY! Intro / Outro - Feelin Good provided by Mike (Pound 4 Pound Podcast) & Marion Moore from ALBM Production