Nova Sciencenow

Hubble's Legacy



On April 24th, NASA celebrates the Hubble Space Telescope's 20th year in orbit. Over the last two decades, it's sent back thousands of stunning images of deep space. For scientists, these pictures have allowed a deeper understanding of the universe. For the public, they've been a source of wonder and inspiration. With the Hubble's anniversary around the corner, we asked Neil deGrasse Tyson to give his take on the telescope's legacy. He's the director the Hayden Planetarium in New York, and is one of Hubble's biggest fans. Podcast produced by David Levin. NOVA is produced by WGBH in Boston. Funding for NOVA is provided by ExxonMobil, David H. Koch, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and public television viewers. To learn more about the Hubble, go to