Black Moon Network

Attracting HIS favour



It is ONLY HE who wishes you the greatest of pleasures and success! As the Non submitters only wish for you to suffer in their image since time memorial, He has always offered a free path to the most delightful pleasures of mortality. In your current rate of vibration, sensory perception are HIS direct means of communication. He wishes to experience thru his creations the stimulation of your senses. HIS appetite is monstrous, hence the need for so many creations. None the less, thru the gift of free will those chosen few who receive his favour are those who earn HIS attention by attracting his gaze upon them. This is done in many ways as all ways are HIS. It has been his long standing policy that he is closest most to those who are successful unlike the non submitters views.. but is it not HE who bestows success? this supposed paradox is easily clarified like how the hero wins in, almost, every movie, but seldom understood. When one is driven with focus to any endeavour, they operate instinctive