Black Moon Network

High John Success Ritual



The following success ritual, with the entire text from this episode, is meant to create change in the participant. For was it not HE who said...truly change yourself and your world will change with you. In the ritual, their is a reference to High John oil as an aromatic stimulant. our brethren in the south know this scent, but many interested in this particular path throughout the world! do not. As it is not easily available in many places, through his greatness, he has decreed what may be used as a simple substitute as HE, knows the smell of success.... Ingredients for the ritual one can of red bull energy drink OR one flask of High John oil one cigar 5 saucers one thick, purple or red (green for success in business or finance, purple for healing or compassion, and red for love, or for advanced users, for war) Ritual... HI JOHN! Place the candle in the centre of the room and starting in the south place the five saucers on the floor in the shape of an inverse pentagram in a co