Staff Room Radio

SRR 02 - Civics PD



Download Episode02.mp3 Our first PD episode consisting of audio that we were, largely, not responsible for. The recording consists of the majority of a panel discussion that was held on Friday, October 12th, 2012. The panel was held after a screening of We Are Wisconsin at the Workers' Arts and Heritage Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. The panel was moderated by Dr. Stephanie Ross of the Work and Labour Studies Program at York University and included the film's director Amie Williams, Wisconsin union activist Rachel Friedman, and local representatives Lisa Hammond, President of HWETL and Anthony Marco (me), Member of the HDLC Executive and OSSTF District 21. All panel members gave permission for this recording to be uploaded for this podcast. We hope you find it interesting, and we'll back next weekend with a more "traditional" episode.