Character Corner - A Podcast On Your Favorite Comic Book Characters

LGBTQ Characters and Moments in Comics



*EDIT* Correct Title is updated in all RSS Feeds Now Since it is Pride month we're taking a break from our Claremont X-Men series (I know I know, we just started it) to talk about LGBTQ characters and representation in comics. Instead of focusing on just a handful of characters we focus more in general on some of the bigger, milestone moments (both good and bad) in comics. We start with the big two (DC and Marvel) and we fully acknowledge that while there have been some great improvements, there's still a long way to go. But in order for there to be improvement, we need to know what came before. So we acknowledge milestone moments while also pointing out when if they're just hollow attempts at representation because nothing was done with those storylines. We also admit that we're just two cis-het men and so we're in no means experts on the true impact these characters and moments have (both good and bad) on the LGBTQ community. But we do our best to at least provide a starting point for listeners. Definitely