Character Corner - A Podcast On Your Favorite Comic Book Characters

Robins Part 1 Dick Grayson & Jason Todd - Character Corner #60



Kriss and Dpalm are back with another Character Corner episode. This time its Part 1 of a two part series on the Robins. We’ve covered most of the Robins already in previous episodes like Batman's Rogue Gallery, Tim Drake, all the Batgirl episodes and our three part Batman series. But we’ve never really dug deep into each of the Robins and gone into their differences and how they tell the larger story of Batman. We’re starting with Dick Grayson and Jason Todd not just because chronologically they were the first two robins but also because they represent the larger issues we’ve seen with Batman & DC Comics when they get translated to movies and TV. Everyone knows Dick Grayson is the first Robin but the reality is, by the time most of us were reading comics and aware of Batman, Grayson was far removed from being Robin. Same could be said for Jason Todd. Jason was first introduced in 1983 and was killed off in 1988. The first two Robins came and went before most people today were even 10. And that’s where we see