Profitable Farmer

Episode 84 - Succession... Warts and all!



And so, I continue my series of interviews with remarkable rural Australian women.   Ladies & gentlemen, meet Lyn Sykes.   Spending some time in nursing and counselling in her early career, Lyn found herself invited to help a group of farmers better manage family communication… and the rest, as they say, is history!   Thirty years plus and a highly successful career later, Lyn has become an icon in our industry on all things family alignment, communication and succession.   Having studied with Lyn over 20 years ago as a ‘whipper-snapper’ farm consultant, it is with great pleasure that I re-connect with her to discuss a host of critical family farming topics, including:   where and why farm succession goes wrong; how communication can fall apart; what helps make it right; Lyn’s process for fostering good outcomes; and the role you best play as the mother, father, son, daughter, in-law or out-law to each succession conversation!   As you will glean, I have a lot of respect for Lyn. I see he