Agents For Change Podcast By Trista Sue Kragh

6 Challenges with 21st Century Leadership



"The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself."- Plato Therefore if you don't get involved in your own governing you will be ruled by a fool! You cannot let others take over your life because they are in government you must be involved in the process. So we must train and prepare the right kind of leadership. I address more challenges we are seeing currently with leadership/government and why we desperately need the original government of God. I was also challenged by someone from my last livestream “Addressing Evil” as I pointed out the numerous defects in our current leadership. They struggled with my criticism and wondered why I didn’t simply just pray for them, as scripture instructs. I would like to take this opportunity now to address this very good question.   Trista Sue was mentored by the late Dr. Myles Munroe, and since his passing has developed a self-paced mentorship e-course called The School of Influence for Agents of Change. Mentorship is vital and i