Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #17 - Back to the Future



Finally we come to the end of the line on building the security business plan. It was a long time coming, but again this is the most important step in effecting long lasting change in your security organization. First I talk about defining the future state, and setting priorities relative to what you must have, should have, and is nice to have. Then it's all about setting up the migration plan, which needs to be in alignment with the timelines and milestones that we discussed last week. A lot of this stuff happens simultaneously, but it's very important to manage expectations appropriately at this stage of the game. Running time: 6:50 Intro music is Jungle and I'll let you go listening to the fine sounds of "Future says Run" from a band called Tonic. You may not have heard of Tonic, but you've heard a bunch of their songs. It's good stuff - if I do say so myself.