Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #6 - Assessing the Skill Gap



This week we wrap up on Step 2: Taking the Baseline by being candid with ourselves and really understanding if we have a skills gap. This is one of the most brutal parts of being a manager, but it needs to be done.I refer to a few books from the Gallup Organization, so you can understand what may be a different way of thinking about management. First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths.I don't have to manage much of anything nowadays, but these resources and philosophy were instrumental in being able to build great teams when I had to, and at the end of the day if you team isn't great - you can't be.Running time: 6:57Next week, we'll start up with Step 3: Managing Expectations.Photo credit: Márcio Cabral de Moura