Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

No One Is Beyond the Reach of God | Sunday Message



How does one go from being an enemy of the Christian faith to one of its key evangelists? In this episode, Pastor Greg Laurie surveys the most stunning conversion in the book of Acts—when Saul came to faith. Notes God gives us absolutes for our own protection. Religion can turn you from God. God promises that His Word will not return void. “Saul was uttering threats with every breath.” —Acts 9:1 Jesus is the only Way to God because the Bible says so! Only Jesus was qualified to bridge the gap between a Holy God and sinful man. We are not people of “a way” or even “a better way,” but “the only way.” Saul not only heard Jesus; Saul also saw Jesus! What were the goads Saul was kicking against? The arguments, life, and death of Stephen. The spread of the gospel and the response of the believers. The gospel is: “The power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.” “May your money be destroyed with you.” —Acts 8:20 Be thankful for what God has given you! True repentance will result in a changed