Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

DRwJL – Resolving Family Conflicts VS Being the Solo Caregiver



November 16, 2021 - Family conflicts can happen when we get a diagnosis of a dementia disease. Dreams change and need to be altered, roles in the family tend to be flip flopped. We may have to focus on tasks like finances, house keeping, doctor appointments, grocery shopping, and all the activities of living from bathing, dressing, hygiene, and more. The list is endless. How do we work together in the best interest of the person with the diagnosis? Many family members feel alone, ridiculed, second guessed. It is a hard lonely place to be. What do you say when someone disagrees with diagnosis? How do you enlist help when people are running away? How do you tell someone, thanks but no thanks, your opinion is not helpful nor wanted? I discuss all this and more!