Los Town Radio

Mind of A Lifted



Today on Los Town Radio we dive deeper into the mind of a lifted.  We discuss the chip.  If you aint got a chip then u got no black smoke.  Also Impress your friends at parties, elephants are being born without tusk.  This is a surviving method that is happening because they are being hunted for their tusk.  Also rattle snakes are starting to be born without rattlers.  We go into how little respect the vets get when they come back from war.  Vets should get more than one day, we dive deeper into it.  Places around the world are offering free 30 min sex with hookers if you get vaxed.  Is it beneficial to wait out to see if there are better incentives to get vaxed?  we discuss why?  Getting paid in pesos, we got a wild episode for you today so press play and vibe with us!!!