Hosted Ravioli

Hosted Ravioli podcast: You'll 'flip' over this episode with Ozzie Smith



“I probably caused a lot of people injuries, trying to do that flip!” Ozzie Smith said. Indeed, a generation of St. Louis kids attempted back flips in backyards, pretending it was the ball yard. Few humans touched St. Louis the way Ozzie Smith did. The Cardinals legend sat down with “Hosted Ravioli” to discuss memory-making and and everlasting memories. Ozzie shared which celebrity he wishes he could've met – and what it's like being the celebrity in town that everybody has met. And he told the story of running into current Cardinal Dexter Fowler at Target – when Fowler's daughter asked the Hall of Famer: “Are you a fan of my daddy's?”​ Follow Hosted Ravioli on Twitter - @HostedRavioli See for privacy information.