Social Media Business Audio By Laurel Papworth

API Widget Economy - Social Media Business Ep 003 AUDIO



Revenue from APIs and widgets - where's the money? explore Amazon and eBay shoplets, transactional settlements in widgets, Salesforce, Get Tailgate, Alvenda, Paypal. Monetizing API and the widget economy. 3rd party devs, customers selling to customers. Laurel is a senior consultant, strategist, writer and workshop facilitator on online communities and social networks in Australia, Asia and Middle East. Laurel consults at executive level and facilitates strategic workshops on the impact of social networks on industry sectors, teaches marketing, blogging and social media courses for companies and runs workshops for small and home business on behalf of the Australian Government. Laurel taught the first Australian public social media courses in 2005 at University of Sydney and in addition, develops and teaches Insights Masterclasses for LAMP at Australian Film Television and Radio School on innovation and cross media. When not consulting with companies building online community strategies, Laurel is a global Powe