Power Station

Power Station with Tia Blount



We all want to be heard and understood, a fair expectation. But being heard takes more than engaging an attentive listener. It requires purpose, knowing what we want to say and how to express ourselves. And we need to know how to adapt our communication style to a dizzying array of venues, from a private conversation to a conference room to social media. It can be humbling, frustrating and even costly when we fail to communicate well. Tia Blount brings her passion for communication to nonprofits where the mission is vital and the stakes for communicating well are high. A mission statement alone will not persuade women in Tanzania to participate in health trials whose benefits will accrue to the generation after their own. An affordable housing group in Washington, DC, cannot inspire the communities they serve by using real estate jargon. Tia's work addresses the gap between organizational intention and impact and that is what makes her a true change maker. It turns out that her childhood passion for writing w