Power Station

Power Station with Ashley Allison, The Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights



We talk as a nation about the imperative of voting but probably not enough about the challenges voters are facing now, just days before the mid-term elections. Ashley Allison, Executive Vice President of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, talks to Power Station about the All Voting is Local Campaign, which is building support for, and tackling systemic barriers to, voting in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona. This campaign operates as a collaborative with national partners including the ACLU and the American Constitution Society, and local nonprofit partners in communities directly impacted by systemic barriers. Their collective advocacy, litigation, organizing and where possible, partnership with supervisors of elections, has increased the numbers of poll workers and bilingual translators, improved accessibility to voting sites in communities of color and by disabled people. As Ashley explains, this Campaign is one of many embraced by The Leadership Conference, a voice for