
Una Isu: a Ñuu Savi warrior resisting through hip hop



As indigenous people from Mexico migrate to California, their languages and cultures are threatened. One indigenous trilingual rapper based in Fresno is fighting back. “We are taught that we're not valuable, we are taught that we have no history, we are ignorant, we don’t have richness of culture…. I’m trying to turn everything around.” Miguel Villegas Ventura came to the US at age 7 speaking only Mixteco, an indigenous language spoken by the Ñuu Savi nation in the Mexican states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Puebla. He came of age in Fresno, California, amidst poverty, bullying and the constant pressure to hide his roots. But when Miguel learned the history of Una Isu, a 12th century Mixteco warrior, everything changed. Today Miguel demands respect and dignity through trilingual hip hop. Like Una Isu, he seeks to unite indigenous Mexicans who have found a new home in the United States. Producer: Jackie Botts Featuring voices of Miguel Villegas, Leoncio Vasquez and Irma Luna Music: “Mixteco es un Lengua