Ryan J Orr's Podcast

TTG live at WEREP.org with Randall Lewis of the Lewis Corporation



In this episode Randall Lewis of the Lewis Corporation gives his annual state of the Inland Empire address. This event was hosted by the West End Real Estate Professionals at Central park in Rancho Cucamomga on Jan 31, 2020. It was a packed house with over 330 people in attendance. When Randall speaks people come out and listen. Listen in, subscribe to our podcast and learn together with us! #KnowAndGrowNearly 20 years ago, Ryan J. Orr was signing documents to refinance his home, when the escrow officer asked him why he was wearing a suit. It happened that Ryan was a recent college graduate on his way to a career fair. “Let me get the sales manager,” the escrow officer said. Ryan was hired 30 days later, and he says he has never looked back.Ryan dedicated himself to learning his craft, and his new career took off. “I knew I could get away with not knowing a lot to start, but I needed to invest in my career and be educated to know as much or more than my clients — or if I didn’t know something, I wanted the re