Aisling Dream Interpretation

Are You Awake?



Are you awake? How awake are you? Do you remember why you are here? Do you remember where you came from? And most importantly, do you remember who you are? That's really what it is all about. Who are you? Because you are not your name. You are not your gender. You are not the father or mother of your child. These are merely temporary illusions. So too is the role you play. You are not the illusion you are living or living in. You are no more your physical body than you are the car you drive. So who are you?   I contemplate this at the start of my show before moving on to dreams.     Dream: In my time of dying What does your brother dying in a dream mean? It’s good news for RJ. Listen to find out why.     Dream: Clean your house That’s John’s entire dream! But we can still make something out of it.   Dream: Need to use cremation machines at a funeral This is such a short dream but it packs a punch with what it means.   Dream: Robot Me What could a robot version of yourself throwing shoes over your head be abou