Aisling Dream Interpretation

COVID Shot, Airplane to China, Stabbed in the hands



Dream: COVID Booster Shot The title may seem topical but the interpretation is an old staple. This interesting dream shows how we weave what is going on in our lives into our dreams to help make a point. Dream: Airplane to China This is our feature dream for the show. Hannah goes on a winding journey onto and off a plane and ends up at a dumpster. Why? Dream: Knife attack to hands on a rocky beach Olivia is being attacked by a man on the beach. But why is he only stabbing her in the hands? Listen to find out.   Black Friday Special – 2 for 1 readings just $47 Free webinar: How Dreams Reveal Your Life Purpose Our First Spanish Webinar: Cómo los Sueños Revelan el Propósito de tu Vida Submit your dream to the show Archives