Borne The Battle

#264 Veteran RoundTable: Afghanistan Withdrawal / Evacuation



Approximately four months have passed since the Afghanistan withdrawal. Since then, Veterans across the country have grappled with figuring out what it means to them. For some Veterans, these last four months could have felt like a painful slog. For others, it could have felt like a chaotic blur that whizzed right on by.We know that every Veteran will process the withdrawal from Afghanistan differently.This episode of Borne the Battle features four intrepid Afghanistan Veterans who discuss how they processed their own emotions as the Afghanistan withdrawal unfolded while reflecting on their service. The four Veterans are: Marine Veteran Stephen Kupryk served two tours in Afghanistan and now wrestles professionally under the name Steve Maclin. Air Force Veteran Amanda Huffman served in Afghanistan as a civil engineer before transitioning out of the military. She now hosts her own podcast addressing real issues women face while in the military, called Women of the Military Podcast. Marine Veteran Daniel Shar