Vo Boss Podcast

The Business of VO - The Industry



Ok, so you have a voice. But do you have a brand? Do you know where your voice fits in best? In this episode, Anne and Gabby focus on the industry of VO and how to get those clients! There are some simple strategies Anne and Gabby share that you can use to identify some potential clients and even some tips on what to say when you reach out. This podcast is a must for beginner voice talent looking to build a client base and even the pros who need some reminders on how to expand their reach. “Pursue those things that you’re the best at” – Anne Ganguzza Show notes and exclusive offers at VOBoss.com! FOLLOW THE BOSSES: On Twitter @vo_boss @aganguzza @voiceovervixen On Instagram @vo_boss @aganguzza @voiceovervixen On Facebook VO BOSS, Anne Ganguzza Voice Talent, Gabrielle Nistico On You Tube VO BOSS, Anne Ganguzza, Gift of Gab SUBSCRIBE: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VOBOSS iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/vo-boss-podcast/id1238870667 Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/vo-boss?refid=stpr Tu