Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 7-Episode 17 – Revelations-Barbara Hand Clow



In this episode, I have the pleasure to talk to Cherokee record keeper Barbara Hand Clow, who used to introduce herself as a researcher, left-brain writer and publisher but due to a very influential event in 1994-1995 (which we will of course discuss) became a spiritual teacher. Barbara’s first encounter with other dimensions took place when she was just five and a half years old. In hindsight she would describe it either as a near death experience or an abduction but despite the exact definition Barbara was introduced to higher planes of consciousness and that experience left her deeply disturbed. Luckily, her grandfather, a Cherokee record keeper and teacher, would notice the significant change in her and although he had originally been planning to pass on his knowledge to one of his daughters as tribal traditions demanded it, he instead chose to educate Barbara as his successor and continued to teach her until college. In 1994/1995 a significant event happened that changed Barbara’s life for good. A group