Random Ish W Sonja

Random Ish 122121



Hey welcome back! I have a great show for you today, I have a crazy story that could be a movie, some nerd in me and a special musical guest. Let’s get into it. So there is a crazy I swear I thought this was a made up story, this mom stole her daughters identity and went to school for two years, two years y’all. She got loans, boyfriends and all that. Really you gotta listen or watch to get my whole break down. Gurl. What about the crazy papa johns story? The manager who got fired for closing early due to short staffing? I dunno if that is really his first time doing that isn’t that a bit much? Why not a warning? Maybe it’s click bait he really got fired because he’s done it several times he just got caught this time. Time for the nerd in me!! Do you like the effect I did? Lol Soooo this lil bit of news is going to make some folks pack their bags way too early. So they found water on Mars guys. Well its frozen and underground, but they found some! Please how about we get this planet all the way together befor